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Principal's Message

Happy Monday Redwood Families!

I hope that you had a great weekend and enjoyed the crisp but clear days.  This may be an awkward transition, you know the drill by now, but do you ever wake up early and just solve the world's problems in your head?  I don't mean getting out of the warm covers and drawing diagrams type of solving, but rather just those "if I was in charge" wonderings.  To be frank, (personalized plates((2BFRANK)) already taken) I have a standing 4:30am appointment every Monday.  Topic today... the Super Bowl.  To be clear, I didn't watch it.  Yet, I found myself worrying about how late those school aged east coast fans had to stay up to watch the game in its entirety.  Without a doubt it was past the bedtime for many, which in turn would effect their ability to focus in school.  To this end, I resigned myself to writing a strongly worded letter to Roger Goodell offering a suggestion.  Move the game to Saturday.  Super Bowl Saturday has the same alliterative sound.  A true selling point.  Not to mention that it would allow a day of rest for the millions who stayed up too late.  I'm certain he will see the logic and move Super Bowl Sixty, held at Levi Stadium, to Saturday.  Yet, as always, I digress...

Feel good story alert!  I would be remiss if I didn't share a moment that occurred last week.  I'm certain you recall the deluge?  As a random aside, we in the "biz" know that a downpour will occur thrice during the school day.  Always at drop off, lunch and pick up.  Without fail.  The sun will shine brightly the minute students go to class.  Oh well, back to the narrative.  During said deluge last week the parent of one of the office staff, so yes they were a bit elderly, was stopping by.  The rain began to pour halfway between the parking lot and the office.  Stranded midway without umbrella or the ability to sprint she found herself in a pickle.  Yet, out of nowhere, one of our seventh grade students approached and placed an umbrella directly over her head and guided her into the office.  We all heard, "that's my mom!" followed by a "thank you Caylie for being so thoughtful!"  The student in question was nonplussed.  She knew it was the right thing to do, and didn't think it was a big deal.  That alone speaks volumes about our students. I couldn't be prouder!  Just another amazing act of kindness at Redwood!

In educationally related news, I visited a sundry of learning environments and took photos along the way.  I popped into Ms. Belles' ELA class where students were participating in an activity called, "Give One, Get One."  It's a fun and easy way for students to share their knowledge and insights about the story with each other by moving from one to another giving an idea and taking one too!  I made my way into Mr. Johnson's class and was immediately impressed by the personalized support he was providing to each and every one of his students.  Talk about service with a smile!  I heard a tumult from the fitness room and walked in on Mr. Grenier's class laying on their sides.  For a minute I thought they were taking naps until heard the groans from the students.  He was working through a series of jiujitsu moves with the class.  They asked me to join, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get up afterwards!  On a final note, I spotted a beautiful rainbow during a break in the storm, and a photo was a must!  

I hope that you have a restful week away!


alt_text two students working together
alt_text Teacher helping student in class
alt_text RMS workout room
alt_text RMS blacktop with rainbow above